PVC Geomembranes and PE Geomembranes

The Diff Between PVC vs LLDPE and HDPE Geomembrane Sheets

PVC Geomembrane Or Polyvinyl Chloride Geomembranes Are Formed From The Polymerisation Of Vinyl Chloride Monomer. Polyvinylchloride Was Discovered In 1835, And Pipes Made Of Polyvinylchloride Were Used By German Scientists And Engineers During World War Ii To Pipeline Water And Sewage To War-Torn Cities Quickly.

Acrylic Fiber : Advantage, Disadvantages

Acrylic Fiber Is Made By Spinning Acrylonitrile Copolymers Over 85% Of Acrylonitrile Monomers. These Fibers Are In Tough Competition With Nylon, Polyester And Polyolefin. Acrylics Have Many Desirable Properties Of Wool And Do Not Have The Disadvantages Of Wool. Therefore, The Usage Of Acrylic Fiber Is Increasing Day By Day.

Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber (PVA)

Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber Is One Of The Best Types Of Fibers For Reinforcing Concrete Due To Tensile Strength And High Modulus Of Elasticity And Non-Environmental Pollution.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or vinion fibers(Vinyon)

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a very widely used plastic and one of the most valuable products of the petrochemical industry (polymer fibers). Polyvinyl chloride is most widely used in construction and its fibers have the same characteristics. Vinion is defined as a fiber, at least 85% of which are vinyl chloride polymerization monomer units.

Olefin fibers (polypropylene + ethylene)

Olefin fibers are produced by combining polypropylene fibers with ethylene. The melting point of polyethylene is 120-125 °C and polypropylene is 160-165 °C. Their composition, i.e. polyolefin, cannot be used at temperatures above 100 degrees. Instead with…

The most direct path to plastic upcycling is designing polymers specifically for reuse

The most direct path to plastic upcycling is designing polymers specifically

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers determined that designing polymers specifically with upcycling in mind could reduce future plastic waste considerably and facilitate a circular economy where the material is used repeatedly.

Geosynthetic Polymers-Geomembrane and geotextile

Geosynthetics Polymer can Protect Buildings from Large Fault Ruptures

Geosynthetic Polymers (Geomembrane and Geotextile): Surface rupturing during earthquakes is a significant risk to any structure.Polymers can protect buildings from large fault ruptures.

Biocompatible and sustainable plastics, zarifindustrial

From medical applications to sporting goods: Biocompatible and sustainable plastics

Numerous plastic products are made of polyurethanes. Fraunhofer researchers have developed a manufacturing method for polyurethanes that avoids use of toxic isocyanates while making use of carbon dioxide as a starting material.

Starch in adhesives and resins and its 5 applications

6 Important factors in Production of Starch | Adhesives and Resins

Starch is kind of Polysaccharide which is comprised of Glucose monomers and is not solvable in water. The Starch would be used as raw material for manufacturing of adhesives and papers, this item would be applied in textile industries too.

woven & nonwoven geotextile | Difference & uses ?

woven & nonwoven geotextile | Difference & uses ?

Woven & Non-Woven Geotextile are permeable and have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect or drain when used with soil. They are produced by various methods such as needle punching ,Heat Bonding, or chemical (Resin Bonding) and have a felt-like structure without specific warp and woof (non-woven).